May 1, 2024

Alif Ba Ta (4)

Sim Sim and the Colours

سِمسِمن وَالألْوَانُ

This is  Kharbush and this is his dog Sim Sim. Both went out خَرَجَا  and play  لَيَلْعَبَا together مَعًا in the park. 

Kharbush looked inside Sim Sim kennel and thought: there هُنَاكَ  was something شَيءٌ  missing نَاقِصٌ.

Sim Sim kennel needs يَحْتَاجُ new colour. But which colour that Sim Sim likes?

Is it colour of blue, like colour of ocean?

Or, is it colour of yellow, like colour or bee?

Maybe رُبَّمَ  Sim Sim like the colour green, as he felt يَشْعُرُ  like he is in the forest الغَابَةِ  between the trees  الأشْجَارِ.

Or, he likes colour of pink الزَّهْرِيًّا, as he smells  يَشُمُّ   the scent رَائِحَاةَ  of roses الوَردِ in the flower shop دُكَّانِ الأزْهَار .

Maybe لَعَلَّهُ he likes the colour of orange, as the colour of big pumpkin يَقْطِينَة.

Or red, as the fire truck سَيَّارة إطْفَاء, that came to save لَتُنْقَذَ the little cat.

Maybe grey الرَّمَادِي, colour of rocks الصُّخُورِ as we played on the big beach الشَاطَئِ.

Or purple the colour of peach and fig الخَوْخِ وَ التِينِ , that we bought both from the little shop.

Maybe, he wants the colour of brown بُنِّيَ , colour of chocolate that little ones الصِغَارُ (kids) like.

Or he prefers colour of black, the colour of gorilla that fears the adults يَخَافُهَا الكِبَارُ.

Kharbush was confused إِحْتَارَ to choose the right colour, as he does not know which colour Sim Sim favorite ?

Kharbush took along the night طَوَالَ الّيل to think يُفَكَّرُ  and he remember يَتَذَكَّرُ so many colours.

Then he stood قَامَ , walked يَمْشِى, and thinks, until he saw رَأَى something شيْئًا from the little window.

Kharbush said: Sim Sim kennel is like mine. Beautiful جَمِيلٌ and luminous مُضِيءٌ bright in the black of the night.

Now, I knew عَرَفْتُ the favorite المُفَضَّلِ Sim Sim colour.

It is the most beautiful colour, it is white.

Follow the movie in youtube.

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