Aug 24, 2024

P4 Math: Bishan Book Shop

 Use the information below to answer the questions

(a) Jane bought 6 books from Bishan Book Shop and paid $90.75. What is the total mass of 6 books that she bought ?

(b) If Jane paid with a $100 note, how much change did she get back after paying the 6 books ?

Aug 17, 2024

Lima Ujian yang dihadapi seorang Mukmin

المؤمن بين خمْس شدائد : مؤمن يحْسده ومنافق يبغضه وكافِر يقاتله ونفْس تنازِعُه وشيطان يضلّه (رواه الديلمي)

“Setiap mukmin dihadapkan pada lima ujian; mukmin yang mendengkinya, munafik yang membencinya, kafir yang memeranginya, nafsu yang menentangnya, dan setan yang selalu menyesatkannya.” (HR ad-Dailami).

Sumber hadits

Menjadi sangat relevan untuk memiliki kehati-hatian dan strategi yang jelas. Tidak terburu-buru (FOMO ...  fear of missing out) dan memiiki strategi / pemikiran yang komprehensif dalam menjalani kehidupan di zaman VUCA (volatility uncertainty complexity and ambiguity) di era disruptif seperti sekarang. 

Setiap mukmin perlu menjaga agama, akal, jiwa, harta, dan keturunan nya (Imam Ghazali di dalam kitab al Mustasyfa). Inilah yang dikenal dengan istilah Maqasid Syariah.

Aug 16, 2024

Berbagi Rahasia

Pertama kali belajar matematika nya 28 tahun yang lalu. Sekarang lebih mudah dimengerti dengan animasi seperti ini

Diffie Helman Shared Secret

AES: How to Design Secure Encryption

Aug 9, 2024

P6 Math: Tank Ratio

The ratio of the capacity of Tank A to that of Tank B is 7 : 3. Each tank is filled with some water. If the water from Tank B is poured into Tank A until it reaches the brim, there will be 9 liters of water left in Tank B. If the water from Tank A is poured into Tank B until it reaches the brim, there will be 33 liters of water left in Tank A. How much more water are needed to fill both tanks completely ?

P6 Math: Flour and Sugar

Shalih bought some bags of flour and sugar with the mass and prices shown below. The total mass of the flour is twice the total mass of the sugar. He paid a total amount of $127.20. Find the total mass of the flour and sugar bought by Shalih.

Aug 3, 2024

P6: Cubes volume

Jack has 8 identical large cubes and some identical small cubes. He packs all the cubes tightly into a rectangular box such that cubes of the same size are stacked on top of each other. The box is filled to the brim exactly.

The figure below shows the first layer of cubes packet in the box.

(a) How many small cubes does Jack have ?

(b) The volume of the box is 4032 cm³. The total volume of the 8 large cubes is 3/7 of the volume of the box. What is the length of one edge of the small cube ?

P6: Semi and Quarter Circles

For each figure:
(a) find the diameter of the circles (in centimeters) , and 

(b) perimeter of the figure (in π)

Figure (1) 

Figure (2)