May 1, 2024

Alif Ba Ta (2)

Strange Egg

البَيْضَةُ الغَرِيبَةُ

Flock of birds are sitting on their eggs, except ماعَدَا the duck البَطَّةَ, which does not have an egg. But she وَلَكِنَّهَا was very lucky مَحْظُوْظَةٌ , she found big egg near  قُرْبَ the river النَّهْر. The duck said to the egg: You are the most beautiful egg in this world. I will صَوْفَ  take care  أعْتَنِي  of you. The duck sat on the egg.

But other birds said: Strange egg ! Indeed it is really ugly قَبِيحَةٌ. It looks funny شَكلُهَا مُضْحِكٌ. It would never hatched تَفْقَصَ. And when the spring الرَّبِيعُ came, the eggs emit أصْدَرَ strange sounds أَصْوَاتًا.

Then, hatched an egg of small bird first, next hatched the hen's egg, then owl's  البُومَ egg, followed by تَلَى parrot's البَبَّغَاء egg. And at last flaminggo's egg.

But, the duck's egg had not hatched yet. The duck waited beside بِجَانِبِ  the big egg.

Other birds said to her, your egg is ugly and it would never hatched.

However, after a while بَعدَ فَتَرَة , the egg hatched, then came out a big crocodile تِمْسَاحٌ. 

All other birds flew away هَرَبَت because of fear الْخَوْف.

As أمَّا for the duck, she lived عَاشَى with her big baby happily سَعَادَة.

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