May 22, 2024

Ratio: Cupcakes and Beef Pies

 In a bakery, the ratio of the number of cupcakes to the number of beef pies was 4:5. When 5/8 of the cupcakes were sold and another 12 beef pies were added on the shelf, the new ratio of cupcakes to beef pies was 1:4.

(1) How many cupcakes were eaten?

(2) How many cupcakes and beef pies were there at first?


Use model to illustrate the solution

From the second figure, the additional pies are equal to 2u.

2u = 12 --> u = 6.

  1. Number of cupcakes eaten = 5u = 30 pieces.
  2. Number of cupcakes and pies at first = 8u + 10u = 18u = 108 pieces.

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