May 1, 2024

Alif Ba Ta (3)

Hurry Up, Mouse

بِسُرْعَةِ أيُّهَاالفَأرُ

A small mouse wanted أرَادَ to return أن يَعُودَ to his home, but he could not see يَرَى the road well in the night. 

The little mouse quickened أسْرِعَ , in the meantime there فَهُنَاكَ  was a fox ثَعْلَبٌ ! 

Run أركُضْ to the house quickly. The little mouse paid attention إِنْتَبِهَ, ... there was a weasel kid !

Run to the house quickly. The little mouse look أنْظُر ... there was an owl !

Run to the house quickly. The little mouse was careful إحْذَر  ... there was a cat. 

Run to the house quickly. The little mouse listen إسْتَمِعَ ... there was a crow غُرَابٌ.

Run to the house quickly. The little mouse ssh ssh ssh ... there was a bat وَطَوَاطَنٌ.

Run to the house quickly. 

Who are over there little mouse ? 

Indeed, they are your family عَائِلَتُك ! He felt like فَلَقَد  reaching his house safely.

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